Swallow’s nest at Cars & Bikes Fochtmann
Welcome to the Swallow’s nest If you are now wondering whether we have found our way to ornithology or whether we want to talk about the summer, we unfortunately have to disappoint or delight you.
One swallow doesn’t make a summer… In Doppelpass, we should now be feeding the phrase bank. But we want to take you with us to the swallow’s nest. Here you can read and participate in how we will restore four swallows.
In February 2023, the motorbike workshop in Großweitzschen was brought out of hibernation. Four very special Swallows moved in, four of more than 1,000,000 Swallows built almost unchanged at the “Fahrzeug und Jagdwaffenwerke” in Suhl, Thuringia, between 1964 and 1986.
The official designation of the Schwalbe is KR 51 Schwalbe.
We have brought two Swallows each from the KR51/1 F and KR51/2 N series into our Swallow nest. We explain the differences between the two series in this article.
We plan to restore two machines of the cult motorcycle to their original condition. On all four Swallows, we will install an electronic ignition so that more power is delivered to the alternator. In this way, we want to ensure that the engine runs cleanly. This reveals all the common features of the plan.
Even with the colours of two machines, our aim is to restore them to their original state. With this, the colours are also fixed; Sahara brown and cherry red are the official colour designations and these are exactly the colours in which the machines will be painted. When these machines are finished, we will sell them. In this section you will learn more about the individual steps, the challenges and how we then solve them.
The conversion to real eye-catchers is planned for the other two machines. Read this article.
Welcome to the Swallow’s nest If you are now wondering whether we have found our way to ornithology or whether we want to talk about the summer, we unfortunately have to disappoint or delight you.