Compulsory winter tyres in Germany?

Compulsory winter tyres? Yes or no?

Is there a compulsory winter tyre policy in Germany?

New regulations for winter tyres have been in force in Germany since 2018. As before, winter tyres are compulsory in the event of black ice, slippery snow, slush, ice or hoar frost.

“New”, however, is that tyres must compulsorily display the “Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake” (3PMS) symbol.

What penalties threaten?

Are you caught with summer tyres on wintry roads? Then you have violated the winter tyre obligation and must expect a fine of €60 and a point in Flensburg.

Obstructing traffic by using the wrong tyres will result in a fine of €80. In addition, a point will be recorded in Flensburg.

If you endanger traffic, you not only risk points, but pay 100€, and even 120€ in the event of an accident.

The minimum tread depth for winter tyres is 1.6 millimetres. If the tyre tread depth is less than this, you could be fined three more points and an additional €50.

In addition, it is new that owners who permit or order the vehicle to be put into operation without tyres with the snowflake symbol must expect a fine of 75€ as well as a point in the driving aptitude register.

To prevent this from happening at all, get in touch with us. We’ll make your car fit for the winter, change the wheels and at the same time check whether your winter tyres meet the current requirements.

Why are winter tyres compulsory?

Varying temperatures have a marked effect on the road grip of tyres due to their different rubber compounds. Summer tyres become much harder in winter temperatures, so grip decreases. It is precisely this grip that ensures that an accident can be prevented on slippery surfaces.

The rubber compound of winter tyres is put together in such a way that the braking distance does not become so long and accidents can thus be prevented in the best case.

Changing tyres – do it or have it done?

For many reasons, we advise everyone to have the tyres on their car changed by the workshop they trust – i.e. us. 😉

Not only do we offer a wide range of newly produced and correctly stored tyres, but we also have carefully trained staff on hand to give advice on buying. In addition, buyers can rely on correctly balanced tyres and leave the professional storage of summer tyres in professional hands.

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