By vehicle to…

By vehicle to… our new series of guides for the coming holiday.

Summer is just around the corner and again and again we encounter the question “What do I have to consider when I drive the vehicle to … travel?”. In this series of guides, we would like to introduce you to some countries of tips and rules that need to be observed.

So where to actually?

We will work on different countries in this series. We want to start with the states that border Germany. As this series progresses, we will also increase the range so that you can drive further away with each output.

We deal first with the following countries:

In the further course we will follow the series “by vehicle to …” add the following countries:

  • Norway
  • Finland
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary
  • Spain
  • Romania
  • Bulgaria (thanks for the tip to Jürgen Hart 😉 )

Only by car?

We will keep it rather general in the articles, so that both trips by car,as well as tours by motorcycle can be planned on the basis of this series of guides. If there are serious differences in the rules, we will specifically point this out.

We will also work on topics such as “overnight stay in the car” and “Wild camping”, because there are big differences here, which have to be considered especially when traveling by car and motorcycle.

And when you are on the road, you are welcome to make us happy. Send us a postcard from the country that you are traveling to. We will publish every postcard on Instagram and Facebook.

Not without an automobile club with the vehicle to…

For further tips such as sights, hotels, gastronomy or even maps (yes, there are still lovers of classic travel literature among us), the ADAC or other automobile clubs is very helpful. They also have very up-to-date travel information.

Overall, you can say, it is always helpful to be “insured” with a car club. Best of all, of course, with foreign protection. So you are in good hands in the event of an accident or breakdown. You should also have a foreign health insurance for the case of the cases. Here, too, for example, the ADAC is in very good hands. Since you can book that for a narrow thaler.


Despite intensive research, it may be that rules change, current changes are not included in our guide. That is why you will also find the respective pages of the national authorities under the useful links.

Please also note the travel advice of the Federal Foreign Office and the respective conditions of the destination countries.

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